Mcsnup's Piano Fingering Hand Book

The Mcsnup's Piano Fingering Techniques And Exercises Hand Book.
First Published (c) 2008, Revised Publication (c) 2018.
Author: Mcsnup Perfect.
Published by: ReHearsal House Publications.

Mcsnup's Piano Fingering Techniques And Exercises Book 1 Introduces the Preliminary And Foundational Fingering Techniques As well as Fingering Exercises for Foundational, Beginner And Intermediate Pianists. 

The Book Covers Exercises in the Mcsnup's Natural Key Fingering Approach on Key C, The Pentatonic Solfa Key by Key Fingering Approach on all Keys, the Diatonic Major Scale Fingering for All keys as well as Fingering for twenty other scales.

The Pupil/Student will find the Exercises arranged progressively, from Semibreve length to Minim, Crotchet, etc. 

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A Listings of Mcsnup's Piano Fingering Techniques And Their Reviews:
